Saturday, April 17, 2021

Amazing Luxury handbags from

LA'FESTIN is an independent designer brand from France, Founded in 2011 by Mr. La and Ms. Fei. We take retro, modern, aestheticism, and romance as the core aesthetic concepts which adheres to the original bag design.Inspiration and trends are drawn from films, music, paintings and other arts to uphold quality, craftsmanship, advocating a style of independent low-key, refusing to shine and and not open, inspiring creative elegance and self-confid...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

5 interesting facts about Pit-bulls

Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size. FACT#04: 4. Every dog breed can be aggressive by nature.It totally depends upon how you treat your dog.A properly socialised and trained Pit Bull would be affectionate,loving and playful. FACT# 4...

5 interesting facts about Pit-bulls

Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size. FACT#05: 5. Pit Bulls are intelligent and are keen to learn.They are good at learning tricks.They are brave and are widely used as police dogs. For more visit: AhojTati FACT# 5...

5 interesting facts about Pit-bulls

Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size. FACT#03: 3. Pit Bull jaws are no more different than other dog breed.They can lock their jaws is juts a myth nothing else that has been proved wrong by their dental examination. FACT# 4/5 ...

5 interesting facts about Pit-bulls

Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size. FACT#02: 2. The tests have sown Pit Bulls temperament over 80% that is much more than many other dog breeds. FACT# 2...

5 interesting facts about Pit-bulls

Pit Bulls are filled with several qualities.They make good loyal companions and are friendly dogs of medium to large size. FACT#01 1.  Pit Bulls were created with a blend of several Bulldogs and terriers.They have roots in United Kingdom but the breed mainly developed in America. FACT# 1/...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

10 Must know tips for dog owners

TIP#03 Run a dryer sheet over your dog’s fur when there’s a storm — chances are, they aren’t freaked out about the storm but the static electricity built up in their fur. TIP# 3/10 ...

Monday, May 26, 2014

5 Adorable puppies cuddling with stuffed toys

One of the cutest and most adorable things a puppy owner sees is its puppy cuddling and sleeping with its stuffed toy. Given below are 5 amazing and adorable puppies cuddling with their stuffed toys. Pic#04 Sleepy cuddle bulldog puppy with its toy. Pic# 4/...

5 Adorable puppies cuddling with stuffed toys

One of the cutest and most adorable things a puppy owner sees is its puppy cuddling and sleeping with its stuffed toy. Given below are 5 amazing and adorable puppies cuddling with their stuffed toys. Pic#03 This cute puppy is in love with her doll. Pic# 3...