Thursday, October 31, 2013

5 Facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahua are one of the most adorable and cutest of all dog breeds. Their face is so sweet and attractive that no one can resist hugging and kissing them. Given below are five interesting facts about them.

1. Chihuahua was originated in Northwestern Mexico and were discovered my American Tourists.However the breed has been there centuries ago and are considered to be descended from Techichi an extinct dog breed.Those dogs were used by Mexicans specially in religious ceremonies.

2. Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed among all existing dog breed.Their size ranges up to 7 inches and a Chihuahua weights below 6 lbs.A Chihuahua weighing more than 6 lbs can not qualify for AKC registration.

3. Chihuahuas are most largely seen with celebrities in their pockets and handbags like Britney Spears,Miss Minx,Madona and Jenifer Lopez are often seen with their Chihuahuas.

4. Chihuahuas have been among the top 10 dog breeds in United States.However last year they are ranked as 18th most registered dog breed in AKC most popular dog breed statistics.

5. Chihuahuas have a high ratio for C-sections.Their small size becomes the biggest hurdle for them while giving birth.They also face some problems after delivery like low milk production.

Source: Anniemany

Secrets of Dogs and Cats Friendship

Dogs and cats have been living together friendly for a long time. This friendship has been a result of their same environment, habits and friendly nature. Both of the them are very good in terms of behaviour and obedience. They are very true to their masters and serve them in every possible way. 
The major secret of this friendship lies in the training of their owner. If the owner keeps both of them together from the beginning and loves them both the same then they will become use to each other. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

5 Interesting facts about Siberian Huskies

One of the most loved dog Breeds is Siberian Husky. Given below are five interesting facts about them.

Pic by:

1. Siberian Huskies are one of the oldest existing dog breed and are thought to be more than 3000 years old.

2. Siberian Huskies were bred to pull loads and run in Siberian Weather conditions therefore a normal Siberian Husky can travel about 150 miles in a day.

3. The bite force of a Siberian Husky is about 320 lbs.

4. Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes are two dog breeds that are closest in appearance to wolves.

5. Siberian Huskies can survive in temperature around -70 F

Source: Anniemany

5 Things you should know about British Shorthair Cats

British Shorthair Cats are one of the most famous cat breeds. Below are five things you must know about these amazing cuties.

1. British Shorthair cats are thought to carried by Romans to United Kingdom during Roman invasions.

2. British Shorhair cats have amazing hunting abilities and people have used them to prevent rodents.

3. British Shorthair cats comes in more than 30 coat colors.

4. A normal British Shorthair cats sleeps about 14-16 hours in a day.

5. It takes almost 3 to 5 years for a British Shorthair kitten to be completely grown up.

Source: Anniemany

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Best dog Breeds of all time

Note: This list has been compiled on personal experience.

7. Rottweilers

This dog breed was originated in Germany. These handsome dogs have compact strong bodies and jaws. Their socialization must start from puppyhood in order to make them a good citizen of world. Rottweilers need daily exercise and walks to keep themselves healthy.Rottweilers normally have big litters.

6. Yorkshire Terriers

These dogs were originated in Yorkshire,United Kingdom.These small hunters have long been used in mills to prevent rodents. Yorkshire Terrier is a social dog breed and loves to be in people.They are often called big dogs in small bodies due to their high confidence level.

5. Beagles

These small fellows have never been out of the top dog breed list.They are from hound family and are amazing runners.They were used to hunt small animals and they have carried their ability to the recent days.

4. German Shepherd

German Shepherd has got handsome good looks. They are famous because they are strong, agile, muscular, alert, active and full of zeal and zest. They have been serving in armed forces and other agencies also because of their agility and activeness.

3. Labradors

Labradors and cakes are mostly related to each other, one of the reasons which i think for this relation is that they both come in yellow and chocolate, they both are sweet and most importantly both of them make us happy at every sight.

2. Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky is second in the list because of its piercing ice blue eyes, their tireless work, strength ethics and most prominently they are the cutest things ever known to man.

1. Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever is the champion of this list. It has become symbol of all American Families. It is very intelligent, gentle, lovable, obedient and kind. They are closest in resemblance with Labrador Retrievers.These dogs need proper attention from their masters and are quite hard to maintain

5 Interesting Facts about Labrador Retriever

1. Labrador Retrievers are the No.1 among 175 American Kennel club dog breeds and have been carrying their position from a long time.

2. Labrador Retrievers have great love for water and are one of the best swimmers. They love to swim and their coats helps them in it. They have long been used by English people to retrieve fish and have also been a source of living there.

3. Labrador Retrievers have well balanced muscular bodies.They are athletic and needs regular exercise.A Labrador can run up to 28 kph.

4. These dogs have been the best companions for all of their owners.They are loyal and provide good companionship not only to their masters but also to small children.They have average lifespan lasting up to 13 years or more.

5. Labrador Retrievers are one of the most trainable and intelligent of all dog breeds.They are the most used dogs by Police and Military purposes.

Source: Anniemany

Most famous Dog names

Naming once pets has always been an interesting subject and most of the time we see different names in different parts of the world. The given list of dog names has been collected from different sources and are among the widely used dog names.



Monday, October 28, 2013

Top 6 Cutest pets friendship

These are the most liked and shared pets friendship pictures.

1. Two dogs meeting after a long time

2.Little kitten and horse friendship

3. Kitten and rabbit sharing a kiss

4. Dog and kitten helping each other to get pets food

5. Little kitten and squirrel sharing a kiss

6.  Little piggy and rabbit talking

Top 3 worlds smallest puppies

Top 3 worlds smallest puppies

1. Miracle Milly

The smallest dog living, in terms of height, is a female Chihuahua called Milly, who measured 9.65 cm (3.8 in) tall on 21 February 2013 and is owned by Vanesa.


2. Tiny Yorkie puppy

Born five weeks ago, Angel weighs 163 grams, a measurement that makes more sense when you’re ordering lunch meat at the deli. In a playpen in a kitchen near Alliston, she stumbles around next to Beanie Babies three times her size. Her 400-gram siblings are in another room. She is too fragile to be with them.

3. Boo Boo, female Chihuahua Puppy

In terms of height, the smallest living dog is Boo Boo, a long-haired female Chihuahua who proves that good things come in small packages. Boo Boo is just 4 inches tall and weighs in at a mere 2 pounds. She lives in Raceland, Ky., with her owner, Lana Elswick.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

5 Interesting facts about French Bulldogs

French bulldogs have been one of the most popular dog breeds for centuries. These dogs are very loyal, attractive, cute and funny. They always keep their masters happy with their adorable acts. Here are some interesting facts about French Bulldogs.

1. These dogs actually originated in England but got their name later on in France as French Bulldogs. The reason was because they were largely taken by lace makers shifted to France during the end of Industrial Revolution.

2. French Bulldogs were more largely kept by women in France than Men.

3. French Bulldogs are found of eating. They don't like anyone around them while eating. They also tend to sleep too much.

4. These dogs are mischievous and like to play all the time. The naughtiness and playfullness in their nature never goes by age.

5. French Bulldogs are not fond of water at all. Mostly French Bulldogs can't swim because of their small legs and large heads and that's probably one of the reasons they don't like water.

Top 5 Cutest kittens of this month

Top 5 Cutest kittens of this month

1. Sweetest and cutest little kitten ever

2. Perfectly executed Triple Hug of kittens

3. Twin kittens sleeping in beds

4. One of the rarest and perfect heart shape from kitten tails

5. Innocent look of a little kitten

Myths behind different eye colors of Turkish Angora Cat

Myths behind different eye colors of Turkish Angora Cat

Myths behind different eye colors of Turkish Angora Cat

The tendency of having odd eyes is more in Turkish Angora cats than any other cat breed.They mostly have one blue and one amber colored eye.The answer to this question that why they have odd eyes is hidden in the Melanin.That is a pigment that is responsible for eye,skin and hair color in all animals.The process Mitosis by which the genes from their parents that has different eye colors most probably blue,green or golden join together and their product has two eyes of different colors.At the time of birth every single kitten has light blue eyes and the color changes as they grow up so it is also possible that because of the difference in amount of Pigment one eye color appears different than the other.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

10 most popular pets halloween costumes

10 most popular pets halloween costumes

10.  Captain jack sparrow puppy halloween Costume

credit: 9GAG

2. Gentlemen Puppy halloween costume

3. Banana Puppy Halloween Costume

4. Blue colour puppy halloween costume 

5. Firefighter puppy halloween costume

6. Twin Doctors halloween costume

7. Angry Pirate Halloween costume

8. Green leaf worm halloween costume

9. Innocent looking halloween costume

10. Star wars dogs halloween costume