Wednesday, December 11, 2013

5 Heart touching Stories of Animals with Prosthetics


1. Beauty- The Eagle

This bald eagle, named Beauty, was shot by a poacher. After three years a group of volunteers made her a prosthetic beak, which was a key to her survival: an eagle, which has to be hand-fed, is eventually euthanized, and Beauty was once again able to grasp food herself.

2. Motala – the Elephant

Motala, aged 50, lost a foot after he stepped on a land mine. Luckily, Thailand is the one country in the world with an elephant hospital running, and dedicated workers could take care of Motala.

3. Fuji – the Dolphin

Due to a necrotic disease, 75% of Fuji’s fin had to be amputated. It was the Bridgestone company, one of the largest manufacturers of tires, that created a silicone replacement for Fuji, making her the first dolphin with a prosthetic fin.

4. Riley – the Horse

Riley’s leg bone began to deteriorate due to a contaminated metal plate that was inserted. Due to the injury, the mare had to be put down, but the sanctuary staff decided to try a pioneering operation, which gave Riley an artificial limb and saved her life.

5. Oscar – the Cat

A passer-by found Oscar injured by a combine harvester; as advised by a local vet, the owner of the cat from Jersey contacted a doctor in England, and after lots of x-rays being sent back and forth, the cat had two prosthetic legs fitted, as well as a rehab in the UK before coming back home.

Source: Link



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